For anyone looking to lose some weight or just start living a little healthier, please don't hesitate to reach out for a free 15 min consultation:


When you stop obsessing about food, stop reaching for sugar to fill an emotional void, stop judging yourself for your weight every day.... When you start enjoying what you're eating, start employing mindfulness on a daily basis, start gaining an intuitive sense of control over your food choices, and start feeling fulfilled by your commitment to the process... ...something magical happens:

You have more energy -You create more time -You become more creative, less stressed -You feel calmer, happier -You become way more productive -You look and feel absolutely awesome -You become free.

When eating healthy becomes automatic, losing weight becomes effortless, which frees you up to be more productive in all other areas of life and start focusing on the things that actually matter to you. 

My monthly coaching programme is a minimum 3-months nutrition coaching and lifestyle redesign program that will educate you how to:

permanently change the way you eat

shift your mindset from "diet" to "lifestyle"

lose weight the right way, by eating healthy foods

fall in love with the process of eating healthily, so that you live this way forever

Nutrition Coaching

Creating customised meal plans and dietary recommendations will always be done in close cooperation and communication with the client.

- detailed analysis of the client status  -  blood test analysis (test results provided by your GP)  - gut microbiome analysis - possibility of bioimpedance measurement

Personalised meal plans are based on the following principles:

- client overall health - social and working conditions - eating habits - balanced daily macronutrients ratio  - daily micronutrients intake  - proper functioning of metabolism - gut microbiome health

Another option is an initial short-term low-calorie diet, followed by a sustainable healthy diet which prevents the undesirable yo-yo effect.

Are you ready for a change? 

Together, we not only lose a few kilograms but also heal our body!

Consultations available online or in a person.

Contact me for more info:

Price list and online booking.


I have contacted Mirka because I noticed how another friend of mine slims down beautifully under her guidance. Despite being in diet she is always in a good mood and overall she looks very well.

Almost all women struggle with weight fluctuations from a certain age.

During the holidays, we are as if torn off the chain, and after Christmas we all try to lose weight. I decided to change my approach to food and actually to myself. But in order to be able to maintain a stable weight for the whole year, I knew that I couldn't do it on my own.

So I turned to Mirka, an expert who will help to guide me and at the same time supports me in weaker moments.

For me, Mirka is an ideal person, I have full confidence in her.

She not only motivates well, but also takes good care of me! She always responds quickly and willingly to all questions, continuously sends tips on various food from stores and teaches me how to best combine everything.

I'm still far from my target weight, but my path so far is succesfull and I believe that this time with Mirka's help, I will not only be able to lose weight, but also maintain it this time.

Lenka N.

Mirka is my life nag! I am glad I have decided to choose her Monthly Coaching programme. As a man, I haven't had any idea about the food, its combinations, nutrition values, etc... I am not only losing my excess weight but also getting educated about proper sustainable eating now. We are both on different continents but it feels she is just behind the corner. She is looking to my local supermarkets websites and sending me the links or photos for suggested food which would fit to my diet. I am almost 2 months under her coaching and lost 6 kgs so far.... and many more to loose! Definitely, she will be nagging me for a few more months :-)! 


Under Mirka's coaching, I finally managed to get rid of extra weight that was bothering me and always kept coming back. I finally managed to eat everything that I like and that I want to eat. Because life is not about giving up, as they often try to hammer into our heads. We should enjoy life with good food and we just need to know how to do it without consequences of extra kilos..... And Mirka helped me with that :)

Marketa N.